Thursday, November 02, 2006

Execution Site Memorial

Jessie: There was an article in Sculpture October 2006 about a work by Brian Catling, who won a comission to create a permanent memorial for the Tower of London Site of Execution.
He says: ‘The sculpture is made of two circles, the larger circle is made of dark stone and bears the poem on its rim. Another smaller disc of sand blasted glass bears the names of those executed there. Above it is a clear glass pillow with an impression at its centre as if someone had been resting there.’ But its not someone just resting there, its just their head! Even just from the few pictures in the journal, I found the work pretty powerful. It gave me the creeps a bit, just thinking about that moment, and that there were (prob still are) people who could actually commit the act, freaks me out, but I love that it was able to get that reaction from me. Also love that something so big can be simplified down to the one small detail, and that such a horrible thing can be represented in a nice way.
I wasn't able to get a very good picture, but the one above is from


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